Monday 20 October 2014

Super Moist Chocolate Cake

It has been a long time since I blog on my baking and haha!! It is so long that I have forgotten and lost my blog .. as such, I have created another one that is with my name so that I will not forget! (I have an elephant brain... haha!)

I have attempted this recipe from masterchef series. It is so easy and good and wanted to share with all of you.

- 125g shifted cocoa powder
- 6 large eggs
- 100ml milk
- 350g self-raising flour (but I use cake flour instead)
- 1 tbsp baking powder ( I increase to 1.5tbsp to make up for the self-raising flour)
- 200g softened butter, plus extra for greasing
- 550g caster sugar (I do not like sweet cake, so have reduce the sugar to 300g)

1) Preheat oven to 180C. Grease the tin.
2) Blend the cocoa powder and 200ml boiling water in a large bowl. Add the remaining cake ingredients and beat unitl the mixture hase become a smooth, thickish batter.
3) The mixture can bake 2 8 inch round tin, so if you have a big tin, I believe  you can fill it up with just 1. Fill it just half full.
4) It depends on the thickness of the tin, if it is thick, bake for 1.5 hr. If not, just 50mins will do.

Tip: The rise is quite high, so do not put more than 1/2 tin.

Wala! Here's the finished products.

My next venture will be simple easy sourdough bread.. hope it work out! Look out for my next blog!